Gothery Barn

Who knew Pottery Barn could be so goth? Maybe I’ll move home just in time for these Halloween *cough every day necessities cough* decorations to go on sale.

091608_pootery.jpgThere’s no way in hell that Pottery Barn dipping its toe in the uncertain waters of macabre decor for no apparent reason. Obviously, Halloween is a few weeks away, but we were pleasantly surprised to see them expand from their usual line of silk autumn leaves and pumpkin-shaped cinnamon-scented candles (they have those too, don’t fret) to a darker themed skull-and-cross bones motif. And some of the stuff is actually cool enough to leave out year round if your home is into that kind of thing. We list our favorites after the jump…

091608_pootery2.jpgWe’re not endorsing the hokey spiderweb table runner. No, we’re all about the black candelabra with the black taper candles here. You could use white taper candles, but the black on black is just…sexier. Also worth noting: the black skull candes on the tall black pillars holders. Black Candelabra is $59, black tapers are $10, skull candle is $19, and the archer pillar holders range from $39-$49.

091608_pootery3.jpgThese bone candleholders are pretty cool looking without looking too “Pirates of the Caribbean”…if you know what we mean. $19 a pop.

091608_pootery5.jpgWe usually don’t pay too much attention to “vase fillers,” but these faceted onyx-lookalikes are not so bad. Silly? Yes. Frivolous? Totally. $12 Impulse Buy? It could happen.

091608_pootery4.jpgSeems like this raven really did quoth nevermore. This wreath comprised of dyed goose feathers gives an elegant creep factor to a light-colored door or window. $49.

091608_pootery6.jpgProbably our favorite item on the list: the skull tray. Encourages your guests (or yourself) to pick a poison. $24.

A quick money-saving tip: If you like any of these items enough to display/use in your home post-Halloween, then wait until after it’s over. There’s a 99.9% chance that the markdowns for these holiday themed decor pieces are going to be worth the wait. (Example: We bought Christmas stockings last year after the fact for $4.99…instead of $49.00. And felt very, very smug.)

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